Numbers Matter

My wife and I have three kids. When they were all very young, our biggest concern was their growth. Were the kids growing like they should be? The only way to be completely sure was to look at the numbers of weight, length, and ounces they were eating.

When one of our kids got sick, it was easy to discern by the outward signs; however, in order to determine exactly how sick they were, we looked at a number… 98.6. Whatever number the thermometer showed told the real story.

As they got older, we began looking at different numbers to determine their growth. These numbers were mostly test scores and points scored. 😉 When the scores were up or normal, we were satisfied. If they were down, we took action.

Numbers matter in life. The right numbers can provide a free college education or earn you a raise. The wrong numbers can get you fired or worse.

1. Numbers reveal health.

Numbers reveal the true health of your body, relationships and your organization. When someone seeks financial counseling, the first thing the counselor will do is take an inventory of the numbers to determine the client’s financial health. The counselor will ask questions like “How much do you earn?” “How much do you have in savings?” “What percentage of your income do you invest?” “How much do you have in investments?” The numbers reveal how healthy or sick one’s financial situation is.

2. Numbers keep you honest and accountable.

When the true numbers in an organization or marriage are kept hidden, something like an “Enron” becomes possible. The right numbers place the truth out in the open for all to see. There is nowhere to hide. In organizational life, tracking the right numbers becomes the needed guidance in decision making, course corrections, and personnel decisions. Numbers create expectations. In healthy organizational life, there can only be accountability when there is an expectation set.

3. Numbers keep you focused.

This is the power of Weight Watchers. The Weight Watchers system uses numbers to help you keep your portions and selections in line. Everyone on the system gets a number they need to be at or under in order to lose the weight. When it comes to food, it is so easy to get distracted. The numbers keep a person focused. It works the same way in organizational life. Every organization is under the constant pressure of distraction. The more complexity there is, the greater challenge to keep things focused. When the right numbers are kept in view at all times, the right actions will be taken to ensure that the organization does what it was created to do. This same principle is true in any family.

Numbers matter. If you keep the right numbers in front of you at all times, you will make progress. Losing track of the numbers or measuring the wrong ones could cost you your health, an important relationship, or your job.

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About the author

Danny Anderson

Danny Anderson is the Senior Pastor of Emmanuel Church, a multisite church with three locations in Central Indiana. He and his wife Jackie have three children and live in Greenwood. Danny aspires to make a positive impact on as many lives as he can. He believes that everyone can live an awesome life!