So Much More

Recently, I read a book called Living with a Seal. The book is the story of how Jesse Itzler invited former Navy Seal David Goggins to live with him for 31 days. Jesse–who is the part owner of the Atlanta Hawks and husband to Sara Blakely, the billionaire founder of Spanx–met David Goggins at a 100-mile qualifying race…yes, a 100-mile foot race.

Goggins showed up to the race with some water and crackers and no training. At mile 70, Goggins’ body broke down. All the small bones in his feet were broken, and he was urinating blood. At this low point, he made the grave mistake of sitting down in a chair only to realize that he could not get up.

Somehow, miraculously, he managed to get back up and start walking on his broken feet. After walking for a few miles, he realized he wasn’t going to make the time, so he started to run again. He ran the last 19 miles of the race on two broken feet, and he did all of this without any training! When Itlzer witnessed this superhuman effort, he saw something inspiring. He didn’t know what it was, but he knew it was something special and that he wanted it!

Not long after the race, Itzler flew out to Goggins’ home in California and asked him to come live with he and his wife in order to understand and learn. After 31 days, Itzler learned many things about this Navy Seal and what made him tick. The book is worth reading if you can put up with the profanity.

The 40% Rule

The most important thing Itzler learned about Goggins was that he functioned on the 40% rule. The 40% rule says, “When pain taps you on the shoulder and says you’re done, you still have 60% left.” Itzler explains, “I learned that we all have a reserve tank. We are all capable of doing so much more than we think we can, and only by tapping into that reserve tank–only when you push your limits–can you find out what you are made of and what is in your reserve tank.”

If we were all honest, most of us, including myself, would agree that we give up when we experience some pain and discomfort. When things get hard, frustrating or complicated, we tend to throw in the towel, thinking that we are done. By doing this, we sell ourselves short. We don’t finish the book, fix the relationship, stay on the diet, or keep up the workout routine.

If implemented, the 40% rule essentially will empower a person to push past the pain and discomfort. It will help a person to keep going, knowing that the pain is a trick. The truth is that there is still more–far more in the tank physically, emotionally and psychologically. Itzler put it this way, “The 40% rule has proven effective, not just in working out, but even in business and my family life. When I’m frustrated, when I’m done, when I hit a road block, when things get complicated, I have so much more in me.”

I plan to leverage the 40% rule in all areas of my life in 2019. This year may end up being the most productive year of my life. I’m excited to find out!

Where do you need to apply the 40% rule?

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About the author

Danny Anderson

Danny Anderson is the Senior Pastor of Emmanuel Church, a multisite church with three locations in Central Indiana. He and his wife Jackie have three children and live in Greenwood. Danny aspires to make a positive impact on as many lives as he can. He believes that everyone can live an awesome life!